Represent San Diego is making a video about Democracy Dollars. Are you ready for your closeup?
Represent San Diego, in partnership with Common Cause California, will soon be in the video business thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Piper Fund and the expertise of leadership council member Craig Bentley. Bentley, who has owned a production company called for thirty-five years, is producing a video to raise awareness about Democracy Dollars in San Diego and beyond.
Democracy Dollars is one of Represent San Diego’s signature political reform initiatives, along with Ranked-Choice Voting. For four years, the Democracy Dollars program has been used with great success in Seattle to level the playing field and give voters a greater voice in selecting who runs for office.
The Democracy Dollars video will be aimed at voters, politicians and political influencers who are tired of big-money interests dominating local elections but are unaware of the solution—Democracy Dollars. While tailored specifically for San Diego, a more generic variation will also be produced so other municipalities can raise awareness about similar initiatives. Represent San Diego hopes to have Democracy Dollars on the ballot in San Diego in 2022 or 2024.
The [Democracy Dollars] video will be aimed at voters, politicians and political influencers who are tired of big-money interests dominating local elections
Bentley will produce two versions of the video: a short one for social media and a longer one for captive audiences at meetings and presentations. An explainer animation that is part of the video will be broken out as a separate video for web posting.
Filming will occur in the first half of November 2021 and will take place over two days, Bentley said. This will be followed by post-production. He hopes to have the video available by early January for planned community events.
The crew and cast will be made up of a mix of paid professionals and volunteers, some of whom may come from the ranks of Represent San Diego’s own membership. At this writing, more volunteers are needed both as minor actors and crew members. In addition, various props and locations are also needed.
Here is a list of current needs:
- Locations
- Shop
- “City council chambers”/public forum
- House front door area
- Park w/ picnic table
- Props
- Classic car
- Big Money logo stickers for jacket
- Big Money roadmap
- Big Money campaign check
- Swearing-in bible?
- Democracy Dollar certificates (12)
- Voters’ map
- Picnic table cover, settings, pancakes
- Cast
- Parent and kids (1-2)
- Shop Owner
- Healthcare Provider
- Patient
- Helper 1
- Helper 2
- Helper 3
- Mayor
- Big Money Rep 2
- Big Money Rep 3
- Constituent 1
- Constituent 2
- Constituent 3
- Constituent 4
- Crew
- Production Assistants
If you are interested in filling one of these roles or providing needed props or locations, please contact Craig Bentley. Note that as these needs are filled, the remaining needs will change and be updated over time.
I may be able to help. I own a small retail business in San Diego. It could possibly serve as a location.