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Got Something to Say About Political Reform?

Then say it in Represent San Diego’s blog! Pitch your blog post idea or submit a completed blog post to Blog posts should be no more than 600 words. Posts that focus on one of the reforms that Represent San Diego is working on, including Ranked Choice Voting or Democracy Dollars are appreciated.

You can also submit posts that call out local and state political corruption and highlight needed reforms that align with the goals of the AACA (American Anti-Corruption Act).

We’ll provide editorial support for accuracy and clarity. If your post is selected, we’ll publish it on our blog and give you full credit with a byline, bio and pic. Be sure to keep the words “Blog Post” in the subject line of your email.

Note: if your submission includes factual claims or statistics, be sure to provide the source of that information, preferably in the form of a link to where you found it.