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Bill Campbell has been active in Represent.Us since 2019. He is a veteran of the U.S. Marines and a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. His primary motivation for supporting Represent.Us is helping to fix the pervasive corruption in our government, especially at the federal level.

Gil Sery is the webmaster of the Represent San Diego website. He is a proud Independent politically and has been working with Represent San Diego for many months.

Eileen Reavey is based in Portland, Oregon, and a graduate of Lewis & Clark Law School. She is the National Grassroots Director for National Popular Vote. You can reach her at

Shawn is an election reform expert and National Editor of He studied history and philosophy at the University of North Texas.

Cynara Velazquez is the Director of the Alliance for Community Engagement, a San Diego based non-profit dedicated to increasing voter awareness and civic engagement.

Bill Campbell has been active in Represent.Us since 2019. He is a veteran of the U.S. Marines and a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. His primary motivation for supporting Represent.Us is helping to fix the pervasive corruption in our government, especially at the federal level.